Knitted Goods
Many thanks to the knitters and sewers of Whitchurch, Hampshire and Kidderminster, Birmingham who provide us with thousands of homemade hats, vests, blankets and swaddling sheets each year.
Many thanks to the knitters and sewers of Whitchurch, Hampshire and Kidderminster, Birmingham who provide us with thousands of homemade hats, vests, blankets and swaddling sheets each year.
MAMA helped to improve resourcing and facilities at Tonya’s Health Centre.
Occasionally some our premature babies come back to Azur to visit. It is lovely to see them thriving and developing compared to the tiny babies who went home at 48 hours old, weighing less than 2kg.
Earlier in 2015 we held a cake sale and raised an amazing £930. This was all put towards purchasing a dry heat steriliser for the maternity wards at Azur Clinic.
We aimed to raise enough money to replace Azur’s rusting delivery bed, but through MAMA supporters’ generosity we were able to not only buy a new bed, but replace all the curtains and aprons on labour ward as well.