Donate to MAMA
Donating has never been easier
By donating through PayPal or Total Giving, from as little as £2 per month, we are able to support midwives providing live-sustaining services to rural areas in Western Uganda including:
- Births
- Antenatal care
- Postnatal care
- Family planning
- Sexual health services
- Neonatal care
via PayPal
via PayPal Giving Fund
via Total Giving
Here are some specific examples of what a regular donation of just £10 per month could pay for:
Pregnancy care for one mother
£10 pays for the pregnancy care for one woman, including her antenatal care and the birth of her baby. Every month you could support a woman from one of the world’s poorest and most isolated regions to receive safe care during pregnancy and childbirth.
The Covid-19 pandemic has reduced skilled birth attendance and health facility deliveries in low and middle income countries: in Uganda health facility delivery rates dropped from 63% to 59%. It is predicted that a 10% reduction in safe pregnancy and newborn care could result in 28,000 additional maternal deaths and 168,000 additional newborn deaths worldwide (Riley et al. 2020). It has never been more essential for us to continue the work that we do.
Immunisations for five children
£10 will pay to vaccinate five children at one of our monthly immunisation clinics. Childhood immunisations are estimated to save 2-3 million lives worldwide every year (WHO).
The importance of continuing routine childhood immunisations in the setting of the current global pandemic has been emphasised: modelled data from Gavi (The Vaccine Alliance) and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation suggest that ‘the deaths prevented by sustaining routine childhood immunisation in Africa outweigh the excess risk of COVID-19 deaths associated with vaccination clinic visits, especially for the vaccinated children’ (Abbas et al. 2020).
Family planning for five women
£10 per month will pay to provide family planning to five women at one of our weekly family planning clinics. Reliable contraception enables safe pregnancy spacing and reduces unintended pregnancies, thereby reducing unsafe abortions, so is a crucial tool in tackling excess maternal mortality in low and middle income countries.
Covid-19 has negatively impacted both supply and uptake of contraceptives in low and middle income countries. It has been estimated that a 10% reduction in the use of contraceptives could result in 48.5 million additional women without adequate family planning, leading to 15.5 million additional unintended pregnancies (Riley et al. 2020).
Shop online. Give at the same time.
Amazon Smile
MAMA has registered with Amazon Smile so you can donate automatically as you shop. We do advocate supporting small, independent retailers, but acknowledge that sometimes this isn’t possible, and know we all resort to convenient solutions at times. By using this link you can donate to MAMA with every purchase.