Anti-bribery & corruption policy
Code of Conduct
In keeping with its mission statement and values, MAMA is committed to maintaining the highest degree of ethical conduct amongst all its staff and associated personnel. To help increase understanding, this Code of Conduct details MAMA’s expectations of employees in key areas…
Complaints policy
Receiving feedback and responding to complaints is an important part of improving MAMA’s accountability. Ensuring our stakeholders can hold us to account will improve the quality of our work in all areas…
Conflict of Interest policy
The purposes of this policy is to protect the integrity of the Organisation’s decision- making process, to enable our stakeholders to have confidence in our integrity, and to protect the integrity and reputation of volunteers, staff and trustees…
Equality policy
Midwives at Maternity Azur (MAMA) recognises that discrimination and victimisation is unacceptable and that it is in the interests of the Charity and its employees and volunteers to utilise the skills of the total workforce…
Exchange rate policy
It is the aim and intention of Midwives at Maternity Azur (MAMA) to be honourable, transparent and accountable in the handling of our finances, respecting the trust our donors have placed in us. It is the responsibility of all those handling finance to source the most efficient and cost-effective Currency Exchange rates as practicable and to adhere to the best practice laid out in this Policy…
Ethical fundraising policy
The Board of Trustees of Midwives at Maternity Azur (MAMA) is committed to ensuring that fundraising activities are carried out in an ethical manner. This policy applies to the Board of Trustees, all members of staff and all volunteers.
Human Resources manual
MAMA places great value on the involvement of volunteers in its work in various ways ranging from office and clerical tasks to decision and policy making in Committees. Volunteers help enhance the range and quality of services provided by MAMA by putting their time, skills, knowledge or experience at its disposal. They help keep MAMA’s work relevant to the work MAMA is committed to, by bringing a range of personalities, backgrounds and experience into the organisation…
Procurement policy
It is the aim and intention of Midwives at Maternity Azur (MAMA) to be honourable, transparent and accountable in the handling of our finances, respecting the trust our donors have placed in us…
Risk management policy
The Board of Trustees of Midwives at Maternity Azur (MAMA) is committed to maintaining a strong risk management framework to ensure that MAMA manages risk appropriately. This Policy supports the internal control systems of MAMA, enabling it to respond to operational, strategic and financial risks regardless of whether they are internally or externally driven…
Travel, Subsistence & Expenses policy
This document provides guidelines and principles on expenditure incurred on behalf of MAMA…
Whistleblowing policy
It is vital that everyone who works for MAMA maintains the highest standards of conduct, integrity and ethics, and complies with local legislation. If an employee, volunteer, partner, consultant or contractor has any genuine concerns about malpractice in the workplace we wish to encourage them to communicate these without fear of reprisals and in the knowledge that they will be protected from victimisation and dismissal…