April 4th to May 6th 2015 – team of four midwives at Azur Clinic: Outreach clinic to Runga, planning care, management of obstetric cases, referral process toHoima Regional Hospital, blood transfusion training, installing the Dry Heat Steriliser
June 18th to July 4th 2015 – team of two midwives and three students at Azur Clinic: outreach clinic to Runga and meet with Violet at Tonya, support with obstetric cases, kangaroo care, follow up on the steriliser
September 17th to 16th December 2015 – midwife volunteer for three months at Azur and outreach clinics
October 24th to 4th November – two midwives to help run an obstetric conference in Hoima in collaboration with Hoima Regional Referral Hospital,
16th November to 16th December – midwife joining the volunteer at Azur Cinic. We will also be visiting Tanzania where MAMA have been asked to help with some staff training and management of obstetric patients.
2nd December to 16th December – team of 1 midwife, two nursery nurses and infection control nurse joining the team at Azur Clinic: to set up the annual mandatory training for midwives linked with Azur, hand washing education